Environmental Management
JNT group has established an environmental management system according to ISO 14001 and complies with it.
We will actively promote pollution prevention and pollution removal activities in consideration of the environmental impact of product development and production. We will comply with environmental laws and regulations, receive information regarding environmental issues raised by stakeholders, reflect them in environmental management, and put them into practice.
Through education and training, we will cultivate environmental management system capabilities and share information with stakeholders. We will always comply with relevant national and regional environmental laws and internal regulations.
JNT group is engaged in a continuous facility improvement and investment project with the goal of minimizing the impact of business activities on the environment by recognizing the gravity of the global water depletion issue, and maintaining a large number of reused water facilities for efficient water resource management.
All employees of JNT group and partner companies are aware of and comply with the quality policy and environmental management declaration to raise awareness and strive to achieve the company's goals and improve cost competitiveness by implementing continuous improvement in management activities.
JNT group aim to minimize environmental impact through activities such as energy use reduction, water management, wastewater and waste management.
ISO 14001:2015


JNTC (kfq)